Banff National Park

A beautiful mountain road in Banff National Park

How to Get to Banff National Park

Banff National Park is Canada’s oldest and most visited national park, but it may surprise you to know there is no airport in Banff. But don’t worry, the closest airport to Banff is just 1 hour away in Calgary, Alberta (a city of 1.3 million people). It’s easy to get from Calgary to Banff with a wide variety of ways to suit every style and budget.

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Dramatic picutre of a mother grizzly bear and her two cubs

Expert Tips to Spot Banff Wildlife

Banff National Park is famous for its diverse and accessible wildlife. Millions of tourists visit Banff each year with hopes of catching a glimpse of a grizzly bear or the beautiful antlers of a bull elk. For many, the Banff wildlife species are foreign; animals that have only been seen on Instagram or enclosed in a zoo. 

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